Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Anyone who has talked to me recently knows how stressed out I am and how when I get like this, I am prone to overblown rants, unnecessarily bitchy commentary, and punching below the belt. Yes, more than normal. But because Dr. D is a fucking enabler, he sent me this. And I don't think anything I am about to say is unwarranted, but the language will definitely be NSFW. Yes, more than normal.

Most of what I am about to quote comes from here.

Ok, first of all? This? Is horseshit, but I don't think I need to fucking explain that to you people. I mean, contraception is NOT abortofacient. It's just not. The fact that Congress and many others have conflated the two concepts is so fucking mindboggling to me. This is that whole baby farming thing all over again. Let's invent something no one is actually doing and making it illegal, meanwhile, let's completely ignore those scenes out of the fucking Depression that are going on outside of IndyMac banks right now. Gah.

Anyway. What I really came here to talk about is this:

The Bush administration wants to require all recipients of aid under federal health programs to certify that they will not refuse to hire nurses and other providers who object to abortion and even certain types of birth control.
Let that soak in for a minute.

Then read this:
Such certification would also be required of state and local governments, forbidden to discriminate, in areas like grant-making, against hospitals and other institutions that have policies against providing abortion.
Let's parse this out, shall we? These institutions will be prevented from discriminating against people who are, in essence, BREAKING THE GODDAMNED LAW. The law of the fucking land is that abortion is legal. The end. It is. There are of course shades of grey within this, but, yes, some forms of abortion are legal. So, now these institutions will be prevented from not hiring/firing people under a bullshit discrimination standard because their personal beliefs "prevent" them from following the fucking law.

You know what? You don't agree with abortion, you think having pink Easter bunnies in malls is offensive, whatever. Picket, campaign to change the law; do what you gotta to make your moral stand. That is your right as a citizen. But if you are hired to a position that cares for women, who are often put in an impossible situation by the very administration that's fostering this by cutting funding to adoption centers and for low-income single mothers, etc, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. And your job is to counsel women on their FULL range of legal options so they can chose what is best for their bodies. It is not your right, it is not you job, and it is not your fucking place to tell someone what to do in this situation.

Also, from metaquotes:
Man, if they're defining life as starting at conception, God is America's biggest abortion provider, considering only one out of every six fertilized eggs manages to sort itself out enough to implant and after that about a quarter of those implantations wind up in miscarriage, frequently before a woman is aware she's pregnant. That means God Himself personally takes out 87.5% of precious conceived human souls. God should be banned.
This is what drives me crazy:
“any of the various procedures — including the prescription, dispensing and administration of any drug or the performance of any procedure or any other action — that results in the termination of the life of a human being in utero between conception and natural birth, whether before or after implantation.”
Emphasis mine. BEFORE IMPLANTATION. Before. Implantation. This is the same kind of thinking that had our DARE officers in grade school tell us, and I shit you not, that the first step toward addiction is non-use. By this fucking logic, I'm on the road to being pregnant, using heroin, growing a fucking tail, and being a fucking jet pilot. What the fucking fuck.

You know what pisses me off the most? You who this is gonna effect the most? Not people in big cities with access to multiple hospitals and a diversity of information. No. This is going to affect poor communities, rural or remote communities, and women with no insurance. People who, by definition, need the fucking help. I can envision, very easily, women put into awful situations, just looking for an answer as to how to deal with this monetarily, personally, and within their communities. And there is going to be no one there to give them straight answers.

This came off a lot less overblown and angry than I thought it was. Mostly I'm just so fucking frustrated right now, I can barely type. This was longer, but I cut it down.


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