Tuesday, September 09, 2008

There are like 80 things I've been meaning to post about, so I'm gonna do all the ones I can remember in short form:

-->Johnny Depp as Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as Penguin. Oh, Alfred, baby, don't be so mean! Catwoman, Catwoman, Angelina as Catwoman!

-->True Blood was alright. A definite improvement from the books, and I'll be sticking around, if only for Lafayette, who is not in the first book, but who (I think this quote belongs to TWOP) someone called the skinny, violent , sexually aggressive child of every weird Shakespeare character. Oh hell yes. I really, really, really hate how everyone feels the need to way melodramatically over-enunciate the word "vampire," though. If they've been in the public eye for two years, you'd think the shine would have worn off by now.

-->Wait, you mean the movie ratings board is total bullshit? Say it ain't so!

--Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles live together. I don't know why you would care, but there it is.

-->I'm TiVo-ing Fringe tonight because, depending on how I feel later, this might be call for a TV Raid.

There's more, mostly having to do with the mythic amounts of feminist rage i have over Palin, but I'm just gonna let it go. I'm sure there's other stuff I forgot to mention, but whatever.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Ok, I'm sorry, but this is hilarious.

First of all, they don't specify that they are referencing the song, so on its face, it prohibits ALL kissing of girls. Meaning of course, kissing of guys is totally acceptable. Let the gay times roll.

But then, Nemesis and I cracked the code. Dean is using the church billboard to communicate from BEYOND THE VEIL. And by veil I mean being chained up in Hell for the last few months. (Two more weeks to get on the bandwagon, bitches! The season premiere cometh!)



Thursday, September 04, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008

Dude, and no one is more surprised than me but, Prison Break is sort of getting good again. We'll see how the second hour of the premiere goes.......

In completely unrelated news, the best topper to the holiday weekend was definitely the house to myself, a bottle of wine, and the second half of Season 1 of Veronica Mars. My heart still races when Lilly's killer is revealed, and I know what happens. God, that show was good.

Also, fuck Fringe. Still.

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